Below you can find six functions that I've used above, and something that can be useful if you don't want to spend time doing a thing manually.
function Sync-DomainController {
[string] $Domain = $Env:USERDNSDOMAIN
$DistinguishedName = (Get-ADDomain -Server $Domain).DistinguishedName
(Get-ADDomainController -Filter * -Server $Domain).Name | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose -Message "Sync-DomainController - Forcing synchronization $_"
repadmin /syncall $_ $DistinguishedName /e /A | Out-Null
function Set-WinADReplication {
[CmdletBinding( )]
[int] $ReplicationInterval = 15,
[switch] $Instant
$NamingContext = (Get-ADRootDSE).configurationNamingContext
Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(objectCategory=sitelink)" –Searchbase $NamingContext -Properties options | ForEach-Object {
if ($Instant) {
Set-ADObject $_ -replace @{ replInterval = $ReplicationInterval }
Set-ADObject $_ –replace @{ options = $($_.options -bor 1) }
} else {
Set-ADObject $_ -replace @{ replInterval = $ReplicationInterval }
function Set-WinADReplicationConnections {
[switch] $Force
enum ConnectionOption {
OverrideNotifyDefault = 4
UseNotify = 8
DisableIntersiteCompression = 16
UserOwnedSchedule = 32
RodcTopology = 64
$NamingContext = (Get-ADRootDSE).configurationNamingContext
$Connections = Get-ADObject –Searchbase $NamingContext -LDAPFilter "(objectCategory=ntDSConnection)" -Properties *
foreach ($_ in $Connections) {
$OptionsTranslated = [ConnectionOption] $_.Options
if ($OptionsTranslated -like '*IsGenerated*' -and -not $Force) {
Write-Verbose "Set-WinADReplicationConnections - Skipping $($_.CN) automatically generated link"
} else {
Write-Verbose "Set-WinADReplicationConnections - Changing $($_.CN)"
Set-ADObject $_ –replace @{ options = $($_.options -bor 8) }
function Get-WinADSiteConnections {
enum ConnectionOption {
OverrideNotifyDefault = 4
UseNotify = 8
DisableIntersiteCompression = 16
UserOwnedSchedule = 32
RodcTopology = 64
$NamingContext = (Get-ADRootDSE).configurationNamingContext
$Connections = Get-ADObject –Searchbase $NamingContext -LDAPFilter "(objectCategory=ntDSConnection)" -Properties *
$FormmatedConnections = foreach ($_ in $Connections) {
$Dictionary = [PSCustomObject] @{
<# Regex extracts AD1 and AD2
CN=d1695d10-8d24-41db-bb0f-2963e2c7dfcd,CN=NTDS Settings,CN=AD1,CN=Servers,CN=KATOWICE-1,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ad,DC=evotec,DC=xyz
CN=NTDS Settings,CN=AD2,CN=Servers,CN=KATOWICE-1,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ad,DC=evotec,DC=xyz
CN = $_.CN
Description = $_.Description
DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
EnabledConnection = $_.enabledConnection
ServerFrom = if ($_.fromServer -match '(?<=CN=NTDS Settings,CN=)(.*)(?=,CN=Servers,)') {
} else {
ServerTo = if ($_.DistinguishedName -match '(?<=CN=NTDS Settings,CN=)(.*)(?=,CN=Servers,)') {
} else {
<# Regex extracts KATOWICE-1
CN=d1695d10-8d24-41db-bb0f-2963e2c7dfcd,CN=NTDS Settings,CN=AD1,CN=Servers,CN=KATOWICE-1,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ad,DC=evotec,DC=xyz
CN=NTDS Settings,CN=AD2,CN=Servers,CN=KATOWICE-1,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ad,DC=evotec,DC=xyz
SiteFrom = if ($_.fromServer -match '(?<=,CN=Servers,CN=)(.*)(?=,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration)') {
} else {
SiteTo = if ($_.DistinguishedName -match '(?<=,CN=Servers,CN=)(.*)(?=,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration)') {
} else {
OptionsTranslated = [ConnectionOption] $_.Options
Options = $_.Options
WhenCreated = $_.WhenCreated
WhenChanged = $_.WhenChanged
IsDeleted = $_.IsDeleted
function Get-WinADSiteLinks {
$NamingContext = (Get-ADRootDSE).configurationNamingContext
$SiteLinks = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(objectCategory=sitelink)" –Searchbase $NamingContext -Properties *
foreach ($_ in $SiteLinks) {
[PSCustomObject] @{
Name = $_.CN
Cost = $_.Cost
ReplicationFrequencyInMinutes = $_.ReplInterval
Options = $_.Options
#ReplInterval : 15
Created = $_.WhenCreated
Modified = $_.WhenChanged
#Deleted :
#InterSiteTransportProtocol : IP
ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion = $_.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion
function Get-WinADForestReplicationPartnerMetaData {
[switch] $Extended
$Replication = Get-ADReplicationPartnerMetadata -Target * -Partition * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ProcessErrors
if ($ProcessErrors) {
foreach ($_ in $ProcessErrors) {
Write-Warning -Message "Get-WinADForestReplicationPartnerMetaData - Error on server $($_.Exception.ServerName): $($_.Exception.Message)"
foreach ($_ in $Replication) {
$ServerPartner = (Resolve-DnsName -Name $_.PartnerAddress -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$ServerInitiating = (Resolve-DnsName -Name $_.Server -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$ReplicationObject = [ordered] @{
Server = $_.Server
ServerIPV4 = $ServerInitiating.IP4Address
ServerPartner = $ServerPartner.NameHost
ServerPartnerIPV4 = $ServerPartner.IP4Address
LastReplicationAttempt = $_.LastReplicationAttempt
LastReplicationResult = $_.LastReplicationResult
LastReplicationSuccess = $_.LastReplicationSuccess
ConsecutiveReplicationFailures = $_.ConsecutiveReplicationFailures
LastChangeUsn = $_.LastChangeUsn
PartnerType = $_.PartnerType
Partition = $_.Partition
TwoWaySync = $_.TwoWaySync
ScheduledSync = $_.ScheduledSync
SyncOnStartup = $_.SyncOnStartup
CompressChanges = $_.CompressChanges
DisableScheduledSync = $_.DisableScheduledSync
IgnoreChangeNotifications = $_.IgnoreChangeNotifications
IntersiteTransport = $_.IntersiteTransport
IntersiteTransportGuid = $_.IntersiteTransportGuid
IntersiteTransportType = $_.IntersiteTransportType
UsnFilter = $_.UsnFilter
Writable = $_.Writable
if ($Extended) {
$ReplicationObject.Partner = $_.Partner
$ReplicationObject.PartnerAddress = $_.PartnerAddress
$ReplicationObject.PartnerGuid = $_.PartnerGuid
$ReplicationObject.PartnerInvocationId = $_.PartnerInvocationId
$ReplicationObject.PartitionGuid = $_.PartitionGuid
[PSCustomObject] $ReplicationObject
And if you would like to do it all in one go, with a single PowerShell script, here you go:
After we enable replication thru notifications, all changes don't have to wait for their replication interval and should happen instantly. Of course, this can vary from Domain to Domain. In my case, before the change, it was 15 minutes, now it's around 10 seconds. For more complicated setup this time may vary.