
Configuring Office 365 settings using PowerShell – The non-supported way

Office 365 is a huge beast. It has so many services that it's hard to track all of them. It's…

3 years ago

Encrypting and decrypting PGP using PowerShell

Some time ago, I decided that having an easy-to-use PGP PowerShell module is a way to kill my boredom. Four…

3 years ago

Easy way to connect to FTPS and SFTP using PowerShell

FTPS and SFTP are two ways to send and receive files from remote sources. While the name suggests both do…

4 years ago

Sending email as an alias (proxy address) with Office 365

Sending emails in Microsoft Exchange world using an alias for an account has always been a pain. It required working…

7 months ago

Submitting blogs to web.archive.org using PowerShell

Since my website went down in fire with OVH SBG2, I used this occasion to publish my restored website via…

7 months ago

Advanced HTML reporting using PowerShell

I've been using HTML reporting in PowerShell for a while. Initially, I would usually build HTML by hand, but the…

4 years ago

Monitoring LDAPS connectivity/certificate with PowerShell

Some time ago, I wrote a blog post on checking for LDAP, LDAPS, LDAP GC, and LDAPS GC ports with…

4 years ago

The only command you will ever need to understand and fix your Group Policies (GPO)

I've been working on cleaning up Group Policies for a couple of months. While it may seem trivial, things get…

1 year ago

Creating Office 365 Migration Diagram with PowerShell

A few weeks ago, I posted a concept migration diagram for Office 365 to Twitter and Facebook. Today I thought…

4 years ago

Remove-Item : Access to the cloud file is denied while deleting files from OneDrive

I like OneDrive. It allows me to keep my data secure and always synchronized. If things go wrong, I can…

3 years ago