Categories: Windows

Quickly test multiple proxies with Powershell

Recently we were tasked with testing connectivity with Good For Enterprise servers. Since the environment is highly secure it requires proxy to go out. As we had to test connectivity on over 40 servers for multiple proxies and multiple URL's we had to find a simple, yet efficient way to do this. After some quick scripting following script has shown to be very useful in this task.
# Proxy servers in format: https://<url>:<port>. Can be multiple Proxy servers used by comma separation

$proxy_servers = "https://surf.proxy:8080";# , "https://server1.testproxy:8080";

# URL's to be tested thru Proxy.

$urls = "";, "";  #,""; ,"","", "", "";

# ComputerName of tested machine
Write-Host "Testing script on machine: " $env:COMPUTERNAME

function DoWork {   
    # Test URL's without PROXY first

    foreach ($url in $urls) {

        TestWithoutProxy -URL $url


    # Test URL's with Proxy 

    foreach ($proxy_serv in $proxy_servers) {

        foreach ($url in $urls) {

            TestProxy -ProxyServer $proxy_serv -URL $url




function TestWithoutProxy {

    param (





        [Alias("U")] [string]$url


        $WebClientWithoutProxy = New-Object System.Net.WebClient

        Write-Host -NoNewLine "Testing without proxy server " -ForegroundColor Yellow

        Write-Host -NoNewLine " [*] URL test without Proxy -" $url -ForegroundColor White 

        Try { 

            $contentWithouProxy = $WebClientWithoutProxy.DownloadString($url)

            Write-Host -NoNewline " [+] Opened $url successfully without Proxy"

        }catch {

            Write-Host -NoNewLine " [-] Unable to access $url without Proxy" -ForegroundColor Red 


        Write-Host " [*]"


function TestProxy {

    param (





        [Alias("CN")][string[]]$ProxyServer, [Parameter(Position=1)]

        [Alias("U")] [string]$url


    $proxy = new-object System.Net.WebProxy($ProxyServer)
    $WebClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    $WebClient.proxy = $proxy

    #Write-Host ""
    Write-Host -NoNewLine "Testing proxy server: " $ProxyServer -ForegroundColor Yellow 
        Write-Host -NoNewline " [*] URL test -" $url -ForeGroundColor White

        Try {

           $content = $WebClient.DownloadString($url)

           Write-Host -NoNewLine " [+] Opened $url successfully" -ForegroundColor Green "- Amount of chars found on website" $content.Length

        } catch {

           Write-Host -NoNewLine  " [-] Unable to access $url" -ForegroundColor Red 

    Write-Host " [*]"



Running it should give you a nice, quick overview of a test.

This post was last modified on March 20, 2016 12:24

Przemyslaw Klys

System Architect with over 14 years of experience in the IT field. Skilled, among others, in Active Directory, Microsoft Exchange and Office 365. Profoundly interested in PowerShell. Software geek.

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Przemyslaw Klys

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