
Finding duplicate SPN with PowerShell

Duplicate SPNs aren't very common but can happen in any Active Directory as there's no built-in way that tracks and…

3 years ago

Visually display Active Directory Trusts using PowerShell

Active Directory Trusts are useful to connect one or more domains. But as useful those are, they can be very…

4 years ago

Visually display Active Directory Nested Group Membership using PowerShell

In the Active Directory PowerShell module, you have two commands to your disposal that help display group membership. Those are…

5 years ago

Active Directory DFS Health Check with PowerShell

One of the critical parts of Active Directory is DFS. It allows you to share same NETLOGON/SYSVOL folders across all…

5 years ago

Finding GPOs missing permissions that may prevent GPOs from working correctly

I've been in IT for a longer time now. I've made my fair share of mistakes and misconfigurations. One of…

3 years ago

Four commands to help you track down insecure LDAP Bindings before March 2020

In March 2020, Microsoft will release its monthly updates. With those updates, Microsoft will disable insecure LDAP Bindings, which is…

5 years ago