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Evotec Services sp. z o.o., ul. Drozdów 6, Mikołów, 43-190, Poland

Technical HUB

As we work for our customers, we often find ourselves in a position where we know it's not only our problem but most likely, a lot of people will hit this sooner or later. This Technical Hub provides our customers and us with solutions, scripts, and other information useful for Administrators and, to some degree, for non-technical people.

06 Dec: Remove-Item : Access to the cloud file is denied while deleting files from OneDrive
I like OneDrive. It allows me to keep my data secure and always synchronized. If things go wrong, I can always get it back. I use it for almost everything. Even for my PowerShell projects, which are committed to GitHub, so in theory, I shouldn't need that. But every once in a while, I make some stupid mistake and delete a file that has yet not been committed to GitHub, and that's where the OneDrive comes in handy. Quick restore, and we're back. Unfortunately, sometimes things aren't as I would expect them to work. For example, let's have a look at this nice list of markdown files that are documentation for my module called GPOZaurr.
14 Sep: Visually display Active Directory Trusts using PowerShell
Active Directory Trusts are useful to connect one or more domains. But as useful those are, they can be very dangerous. Also, keeping trusts working and in good shape should be a top priority for Active Directory Admins. While there is a couple of command in the Active Directory module Get-ADTrust, I thought I would try and write my own that checks a few more things. I want to thank Chris Dent for his input on the part of this command. His binary skills amaze me!
02 Sep: Visually display Active Directory Nested Group Membership using PowerShell
In the Active Directory PowerShell module, you have two commands to your disposal that help display group membership. Those are Get-ADGroup and Get-ADGroupMember. The first command contains property Members, which gives you DistinguishedName of all members, and Get-ADGroupMember can provide you either direct members or with Recursive switch all members recursively (skipping groups). Till a few weeks ago, I was a happy user of those commands until I noticed two things. Member property for Get-ADGroup sometimes misses elements for whatever reason.
28 Aug: Restoring (Recovering) PowerShell Scripts from Event Logs
A few days ago, I was asked to take a look at PowerShell Malware. While I don't know much about malware, my curiosity didn't let me skip on this occasion, and I was handed over WindowsPowerShell.evtx file. Ok, that's not what I expected! I wanted PowerShell .ps1 files that I can read and assess? Well, you play with the cards you were dealt with. What I was handed over was PowerShell Event Log. PowerShell writes whatever you execute, and it thinks it is risky, to Windows PowerShell Operation Event Log.
12 Jul: Active Directory DHCP Report to HTML or EMAIL with zero HTML knowledge
I'm pretty addicted to reading blog posts. I saw this new blog post the other day, where the author created the DHCP HTML report, and he did it by manually building headers, footers, table borders, and finally, adding some coloring to the percentage of DHCP being in use. It's the “standard” approach to build HTML in PowerShell, and I've seen a similar path before, but that got me thinking how much time it would take for me to replicate the very same functionality using PSWriteHTML module.
02 Jun: Using Win32_UserAccount WMI filter in PowerShell/Group Policies and what to avoid
Some months ago, I created PowerShell Script to create local administrative users on workstations – Create a local user or administrator account in Windows using PowerShell. It's a bit overcomplicated, but the goal was it should work for Windows 7 and up, and that means supporting PowerShell 2.0. As part of that exercise, I've been using Win32_UserAccount WMI based query to find local users and manage them to an extent. While Get-LocalUser exists, it's not suitable for the PowerShell 2.0 scenario. I also use the same query in GPO for WMI filtering. You can say it's been a good friend of mine.
Pester V5
28 May: Converting Pester V4 to Pester V5 basics
Now that Pester V5 is out, I decided that I need to make sure that my Pester tests for all my modules keep on running correctly. Some substantial changes in Pester add new features, changing some things, but that also means all the tests that you have defined most likely will need a small push to get it up and running again on Pester V5. Starting this blog post, I wanted to mention that I am by no means an expert on Pester, but I do use it for some time now for most of my projects.  I am using basic functionality, but even that basic functionality stops working once you upgrade from PesterV4 to PesterV5, so I thought I would save you some time and give you a small overview of how you can quickly fix it. It works for me, but you may have to find your way to fix things.