Quick PowerShell Script that allows to enable Archive Mailboxes for users that don't have it enabled. Below script just does 2 steps:
Quick PowerShell Script that allows to enable Archive Mailboxes for users that don't have it enabled. Below script just does 2 steps:
There are some additional configuration options in there allowing one to do things one step at the time.
Clear-Host Import-Module PSSharedGoods #-Force $Configuration = @{ Tenant = @{ UserName = 'przemyslaw.klys@domain.com' Password = 'C:\Users\pklys\OneDrive - Evotec\Support\GitHub\PSWinDocumentation\Ignore\MySecurePassword.txt' PasswordSecure = $true PasswordFromFile = $true ConnectionURI = 'https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/' Authentication = 'Basic' SessionAzure = 'Azure' SessionAzureAD = 'AzureAD' SessionExchange = 'Exchange' } Steps = @{ ConnectTenant = @{ Azure = $false AzureAD = $false ExchangeOnline = $true } AddArchiveToAllMailboxes = $true } } if ($Configuration.Steps.ConnectTenant.Azure) { $SessionAzure = Connect-WinAzure -SessionName $Configuration.Tenant.SessionAzure -Username $Configuration.Tenant.UserName -Password $Configuration.Tenant.Password -AsSecure:$Configuration.Tenant.PasswordSecure -FromFile:$Configuration.Tenant.PasswordFromFile } if ($Configuration.Steps.ConnectTenant.AzureAD) { $SessionAzureAD = Connect-WinAzureAD -SessionName $Configuration.Tenant.SessionAzureAD -Username $Configuration.Tenant.UserName -Password $Configuration.Tenant.Password -AsSecure:$Configuration.Tenant.PasswordSecure -FromFile:$Configuration.Tenant.PasswordFromFile } if ($Configuration.Steps.ConnectTenant.ExchangeOnline) { $Session = Connect-WinExchange -SessionName $Configuration.Tenant.SessionExchange -Username $Configuration.Tenant.UserName -Password $Configuration.Tenant.Password -AsSecure:$Configuration.Tenant.PasswordSecure -FromFile:$Configuration.Tenant.PasswordFromFile -ConnectionURI $Configuration.Tenant.ConnectionURI -Authentication $Configuration.Tenant.Authentication Import-PSSession $Session -AllowClobber } if ($Configuration.Steps.AddArchiveToAllMailboxes) { $Users = Get-Mailbox -Filter {ArchiveStatus -Eq "None" -AND RecipientTypeDetails -eq "UserMailbox"} foreach ($User in $Users) { Write-Color 'Enabling archive for user ', $User.UserPrincipalName -Color White, Yellow $Output = $User | Enable-Mailbox -Archive } }
Below are 2 modules that I use to Connect to Office 365 and to use colorful output. You still will need standard modules required to connect to Office 365 because PSSharedGoods provides just a wrapper that allow easy connection setup. While you could skip those (and the script that is linked above doesn't require it) I've wrote some simple wrappers that allow me to manage things in easy way, and the way I want it.
Install-Module PSSharedGoods Install-Module PSWriteColor
This post was last modified on October 24, 2018 09:54
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