Below is a standard PowerShell Configuration/Script that you would use in your Task Scheduler, executed every day. I usually run this right after midnight to get a report for myself in the morning when I start my work. Make sure to change report paths, email parameters and which periods are you interested in. Please review PSWinReporting Module page for links to other blog posts about this configuration if you have any questions. I've written 7 or so articles about it, and that should cover most of your questions about it.
$EmailParameters = @{
EmailFrom = ""
EmailTo = ","
EmailCC = ""
EmailBCC = ""
EmailReplyTo = ""
EmailServer = ""
EmailServerPassword = "YourPassword"
EmailServerPasswordAsSecure = $false
EmailServerPasswordFromFile = $false
EmailServerPort = "587"
EmailServerLogin = ""
EmailServerEnableSSL = 1
EmailEncoding = "Unicode"
EmailSubject = "[Reporting] Event Changes for period <<DateFrom>> to <<DateTo>>"
EmailPriority = "Low" # Normal, High
$FormattingParameters = @{
CompanyBranding = @{
Logo = ''
Width = '200'
Height = ''
Link = ''
Inline = $false
FontFamily = 'Calibri Light'
FontSize = '9pt'
FontHeadingFamily = 'Calibri Light'
FontHeadingSize = '12pt'
FontTableHeadingFamily = 'Calibri Light'
FontTableHeadingSize = '9pt'
FontTableDataFamily = 'Calibri Light'
FontTableDataSize = '9pt'
Colors = @{
# case sensitive
Red = 'removed', 'deleted', 'locked out', 'lockouts', 'disabled', 'Domain Admins', 'was cleared'
Blue = 'changed', 'changes', 'change', 'reset'
Green = 'added', 'enabled', 'unlocked', 'created'
Styles = @{
# case sensitive
B = 'status', 'Domain Admins', 'Enterprise Admins', 'Schema Admins', 'was cleared', 'lockouts' # BOLD
I = '' # Italian
U = 'status'# Underline
Links = @{
$ReportOptions = @{
JustTestPrerequisite = $false # runs testing without actually running script
AsExcel = $false # attaches Excel to email with all events, required ImportExcel module
AsCSV = $false # attaches CSV to email with all events,
AsHTML = $true # puts exported data into email directly with all events
SendMail = $false
SendMailOnlyOnEvents = $false
OpenAsFile = $true
KeepReports = $true # keeps files after reports are sent (only if AssExcel/AsCSV are in use)
KeepReportsPath = "C:\Support\Reports\ExportedEvents" # if empty, temp path is used
FilePattern = "Evotec-<currentdate>.<extension>"
FilePatternDateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd-HH_mm_ss"
RemoveDuplicates = $true #
AsSql = @{
Use = $true
SqlServer = 'EVOWIN'
SqlDatabase = 'SSAE18'
SqlTable = 'dbo.[Events]'
# Left side is data in PSWinReporting. Right Side is ColumnName in SQL
# Changing makes sense only for right side...
SqlTableCreate = $true
SqlTableAlterIfNeeded = $false # if table mapping is defined doesn't do anything
SqlCheckBeforeInsert = 'EventRecordID', 'DomainController' # Based on column name
SqlTableMapping = [ordered] @{
'Event ID' = 'EventID,[int]'
'Who' = 'EventWho'
'When' = 'EventWhen,[datetime]'
'Record ID' = 'EventRecordID,[bigint]'
'Domain Controller' = 'DomainController'
'Action' = 'Action'
'Group Name' = 'GroupName'
'User Affected' = 'UserAffected'
'Member Name' = 'MemberName'
'Computer Lockout On' = 'ComputerLockoutOn'
'Reported By' = 'ReportedBy'
'SamAccountName' = 'SamAccountName'
'Display Name' = 'DisplayName'
'UserPrincipalName' = 'UserPrincipalName'
'Home Directory' = 'HomeDirectory'
'Home Path' = 'HomePath'
'Script Path' = 'ScriptPath'
'Profile Path' = 'ProfilePath'
'User Workstation' = 'UserWorkstation'
'Password Last Set' = 'PasswordLastSet,[datetime]'
'Account Expires' = 'AccountExpires,[datetime]'
'Primary Group Id' = 'PrimaryGroupId'
'Allowed To Delegate To' = 'AllowedToDelegateTo'
'Old Uac Value' = 'OldUacValue'
'New Uac Value' = 'NewUacValue'
'User Account Control' = 'UserAccountControl'
'User Parameters' = 'UserParameters'
'Sid History' = 'SidHistory'
'Logon Hours' = 'LogonHours'
'OperationType' = 'OperationType'
'Message' = 'Message'
'Backup Path' = 'BackupPath'
'Log Type' = 'LogType'
'AddedWhen' = 'EventAdded,[datetime],null' # ColumnsToTrack when it was added to database and by who / not part of event
'AddedWho' = 'EventAddedWho' # ColumnsToTrack when it was added to database and by who / not part of event
'Gathered From' = 'GatheredFrom'
'Gathered LogName' = 'GatheredLogName'
DisplayConsole = @{
ShowTime = $true
LogFile = "$Env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\PSWinReporting-Manual.log"
TimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
Debug = @{
DisplayTemplateHTML = $false
Verbose = $false
$ReportTimes = @{
# Report Per Hour
PastHour = $false # if it's 23:22 it will report 22:00 till 23:00
CurrentHour = $false # if it's 23:22 it will report 23:00 till 00:00
# Report Per Day
PastDay = $false # if it's 1.04.2018 it will report 31.03.2018 00:00:00 till 01.04.2018 00:00:00
CurrentDay = $false # if it's 1.04.2018 05:22 it will report 1.04.2018 00:00:00 till 01.04.2018 00:00:00
# Report Per Week
OnDay = @{
Enabled = $false
Days = 'Monday'#, 'Tuesday'
# Report Per Month
PastMonth = @{
Enabled = $false # checks for 1st day of the month - won't run on any other day unless used force
Force = $false # if true - runs always ...
CurrentMonth = $true
# Report Per Quarter
PastQuarter = @{
Enabled = $false # checks for 1st day fo the quarter - won't run on any other day
Force = $false
CurrentQuarter = $false
# Report Custom
CurrentDayMinusDayX = @{
Enabled = $false
Days = 7 # goes back X days and shows just 1 day
CurrentDayMinuxDaysX = @{
Enabled = $false
Days = 3 # goes back X days and shows X number of days till Today
CustomDate = @{
Enabled = $false
DateFrom = get-date -Year 2018 -Month 03 -Day 19
DateTo = get-date -Year 2018 -Month 03 -Day 23
Everything = $false
$ReportDefinitions = @{
TimeToGenerate = $false
ReportsAD = @{
Servers = @{
UseForwarders = $true # if $true skips Automatic/OnlyPDC/DC for reading logs. However it uses Automatic to deliver size of logs so keep Automatic to $true
ForwardEventLog = 'ForwardedEvents'
UseDirectScan = $true
Automatic = $true
OnlyPDC = $false
DC = ''
ArchiveProcessing = @{
Use = $false
Directories = [ordered] @{
Use = $false
MyEvents = 'E:\EventLogs' #
#MyOtherEvent = 'C:\MyEvent1'
Files = [ordered] @{
Use = $false
#File1 = 'E:\EventLogs\Archive-Security-2018-09-14-22-13-07-710.evtx'
EventBased = @{
UserChanges = @{
Enabled = $true
EnabledSqlGlobal = $true
Events = 4720, 4738
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{}
UserStatus = @{
Enabled = $true
EnabledSqlGlobal = $true
Events = 4722, 4725, 4767, 4723, 4724, 4726
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{}
ExportToSql = @{
Use = $true
SqlServer = 'EVOWIN'
SqlDatabase = 'SSAE18'
SqlTable = 'dbo.[EventsUserStatus]'
# Left side is data in PSWinReporting. Right Side is ColumnName in SQL
# Changing makes sense only for right side...
SqlTableCreate = $true
SqlTableAlterIfNeeded = $false # if table mapping is defined doesn't do anything
SqlCheckBeforeInsert = 'EventRecordID', 'DomainController' # Based on column name
SqlTableMapping = [ordered] @{
'Event ID' = 'EventID,[int]'
'Who' = 'EventWho'
'When' = 'EventWhen,[datetime]'
'Record ID' = 'EventRecordID,[bigint]'
'Domain Controller' = 'DomainController'
'Action' = 'Action'
'Group Name' = 'GroupName'
'User Affected' = 'UserAffected'
'Member Name' = 'MemberName'
'Computer Lockout On' = 'ComputerLockoutOn'
'Reported By' = 'ReportedBy'
'SamAccountName' = 'SamAccountName'
'Display Name' = 'DisplayName'
'UserPrincipalName' = 'UserPrincipalName'
'Home Directory' = 'HomeDirectory'
'Home Path' = 'HomePath'
'Script Path' = 'ScriptPath'
'Profile Path' = 'ProfilePath'
'User Workstation' = 'UserWorkstation'
'Password Last Set' = 'PasswordLastSet,[datetime]'
'Account Expires' = 'AccountExpires,[datetime]'
'Primary Group Id' = 'PrimaryGroupId'
'Allowed To Delegate To' = 'AllowedToDelegateTo'
'Old Uac Value' = 'OldUacValue'
'New Uac Value' = 'NewUacValue'
'User Account Control' = 'UserAccountControl'
'User Parameters' = 'UserParameters'
'Sid History' = 'SidHistory'
'Logon Hours' = 'LogonHours'
'OperationType' = 'OperationType'
'Message' = 'Message'
'Backup Path' = 'BackupPath'
'Log Type' = 'LogType'
'AddedWhen' = 'EventAdded,[datetime],null' # ColumnsToTrack when it was added to database and by who / not part of event
'AddedWho' = 'EventAddedWho' # ColumnsToTrack when it was added to database and by who / not part of event
# 'Gathered From' = 'GatheredFrom'
# 'Gathered LogName' = 'GatheredLogName'
UserLockouts = @{
Enabled = $true
EnabledSqlGlobal = $true
Events = 4740
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{}
UserLogon = @{
Enabled = $false
EnabledSqlGlobal = $true
Events = 4624
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{}
GroupMembershipChanges = @{
Enabled = $true
EnabledSqlGlobal = $true
Events = 4728, 4729, 4732, 4733, 4756, 4757, 4761, 4762
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{}
GroupCreateDelete = @{
Enabled = $true
EnabledSqlGlobal = $true
Events = 4727, 4730, 4731, 4734, 4759, 4760, 4754, 4758
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{}
GroupPolicyChanges = @{
Enabled = $false
EnabledSqlGlobal = $true
Events = 5136, 5137, 5141
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{}
LogsClearedSecurity = @{
Enabled = $true
EnabledSqlGlobal = $true
Events = 1102
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{}
ExportToSql = @{
Use = $false
SqlServer = 'EVO1'
SqlDatabase = 'SSAE18'
SqlTable = 'dbo.[EventsLogsClearedSecurity]'
SqlTableCreate = $true
SqlTableAlterIfNeeded = $false # if table mapping is defined doesn't do anything
SqlCheckBeforeInsert = 'EventRecordID', 'DomainController' # Based on column nameg
LogsClearedOther = @{
Enabled = $true
EnabledSqlGlobal = $true
Events = 104
LogName = 'System' # Source: EventLog, Task: 'Log clear'
IgnoreWords = @{}
EventsReboots = @{
Enabled = $false
EnabledSqlGlobal = $true
Events = 1001, 1018, 1, 12, 13, 42, 41, 109, 1, 6005, 6006, 6008, 6013
LogName = 'System'
IgnoreWords = @{}
ComputerCreatedChanged = @{
Enabled = $true
EnabledSqlGlobal = $true
Events = 4741, 4742 # created, changed
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{}
ComputerDeleted = @{
Enabled = $true
EnabledSqlGlobal = $true
Events = 4743 # deleted
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{}
Custom = @{
EventLogSize = @{
Enabled = $true
EnabledSqlGlobal = $false
Logs = 'Security', 'Application', 'System'
SortBy = ''
ServersData = @{
Enabled = $true
EnabledSqlGlobal = $false
FilesData = @{
Enabled = $true
Import-Module PSWinReporting -Force
### Starts Module (Requires config above)
$startADReportingSplat = @{
ReportDefinitions = $ReportDefinitions
ReportTimes = $ReportTimes
FormattingParameters = $FormattingParameters
ReportOptions = $ReportOptions
EmailParameters = $EmailParameters
Start-ADReporting @startADReportingSplat
In this article, I wanted to focus mostly on the SQL part of the configuration as it was neglected in the last article I wrote and was half ready. It works in two ways. You can use it at a global level and local level. In the global level, it puts all event types in a single SQL Table. But there's also a way to send each event type to a different table. You can use both of them at the same time. I've highlighted those sections in code, and hopefully, it will be apparent to you on how to use it properly. You have to define SqlTableMapping or don't. If you define, SqlTableMapping PSWinReporting will try to match fields reported to the one in the table. If the SQL Table doesn't exist it will create it based on that. If you don't define SQLTableMapping it will take defaults and build it for you. Feel free to experiment.