There were some subtle config changes, additions to RunMe-Report.ps1. It should still work the old way but new way of using forwarders is encouraged. Also in this new version Get-ADForest is used to get all Domain Controllers. Not just Get-ADDomain. Therefore you may get some new DC's showing up if you have more then one domain.
### Starts Module (Requires config above)
Import-Module PSWinReporting #-Force
Import-Module PSSharedGoods #-Force
$EmailParameters = @{
EmailFrom = ""
EmailTo = ","
EmailCC = ""
EmailBCC = ""
EmailReplyTo = ""
EmailServer = ""
EmailServerPassword = "YourPassword"
EmailServerPort = "587"
EmailServerLogin = ""
EmailServerEnableSSL = 1
EmailEncoding = "Unicode"
EmailSubject = "[Reporting] Event Changes for period <<DateFrom>> to <<DateTo>>"
EmailPriority = "Low" # Normal, High
$FormattingParameters = @{
CompanyBranding = @{
Logo = ''
Width = '200'
Height = ''
Link = ''
FontFamily = 'Calibri Light'
FontSize = '9pt'
FontHeadingFamily = 'Calibri Light'
FontHeadingSize = '12pt'
FontTableHeadingFamily = 'Calibri Light'
FontTableHeadingSize = '9pt'
FontTableDataFamily = 'Calibri Light'
FontTableDataSize = '9pt'
Colors = @{
# case sensitive
Red = 'removed', 'deleted', 'locked out', 'lockouts', 'disabled', 'Domain Admins', 'was cleared'
Blue = 'changed', 'changes', 'change', 'reset'
Green = 'added', 'enabled', 'unlocked', 'created'
Styles = @{
# case sensitive
B = 'status', 'Domain Admins', 'Enterprise Admins', 'Schema Admins', 'was cleared', 'lockouts' # BOLD
I = '' # Italian
U = 'status'# Underline
Links = @{
$ReportOptions = @{
JustTestPrerequisite = $false # runs testing without actually running script
AsExcel = $true # attaches Excel to email with all events, required PSWriteExcel module
AsCSV = $false # attaches CSV to email with all events,
AsHTML = $true # puts exported data into email directly with all events
SendMail = $false
OpenAsFile = $true # requires AsHTML set to $true
KeepReports = $true # keeps files after reports are sent (only if AssExcel/AsCSV are in use)
KeepReportsPath = 'C:\Support\Reports\ExportedEvents' # if empty, temp path is used
FilePattern = 'Evotec-ADMonitoredEvents-<currentdate>.<extension>'
FilePatternDateFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd-HH_mm_ss'
DisplayConsole = @{
ShowTime = $true
LogFile = ''
TimeFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
Debug = @{
DisplayTemplateHTML = $false
Verbose = $false
RemoveDuplicates = $false
$ReportTimes = @{
# Report Per Hour
PastHour = $true # if it's 23:22 it will report 22:00 till 23:00
CurrentHour = $false # if it's 23:22 it will report 23:00 till 00:00
# Report Per Day
PastDay = $false # if it's 1.04.2018 it will report 31.03.2018 00:00:00 till 01.04.2018 00:00:00
CurrentDay = $false # if it's 1.04.2018 05:22 it will report 1.04.2018 00:00:00 till 01.04.2018 00:00:00
# Report Per Week
OnDay = @{
Enabled = $false
Days = 'Monday'#, 'Tuesday'
# Report Per Month
PastMonth = @{
Enabled = $false # checks for 1st day of the month - won't run on any other day unless used force
Force = $false # if true - runs always ...
CurrentMonth = $true
# Report Per Quarter
PastQuarter = @{
Enabled = $false # checks for 1st day fo the quarter - won't run on any other day
Force = $false
CurrentQuarter = $false
# Report Custom
CurrentDayMinusDayX = @{
Enabled = $false
Days = 7 # goes back X days and shows just 1 day
CurrentDayMinuxDaysX = @{
Enabled = $false
Days = 3 # goes back X days and shows X number of days till Today
CustomDate = @{
Enabled = $false
DateFrom = get-date -Year 2018 -Month 03 -Day 19
DateTo = get-date -Year 2018 -Month 03 -Day 23
Everything = $false
$ReportDefinitions = @{
TimeToGenerate = $false
ReportsAD = @{
Servers = @{
UseForwarders = $false # if $true skips Automatic/OnlyPDC/DC for reading logs. However it uses Automatic to deliver size of logs so keep Automatic to $true
ForwardServer = 'EVO1'
ForwardEventLog = 'ForwardedEvents'
UseDirectScan = $true
Automatic = $true # will use all DCs for a forest
OnlyPDC = $false # will use PDC of current domain returned by Get-ADDomain
DC = ''
EventBased = @{
UserChanges = @{
Enabled = $true
Events = 4720, 4738
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = ''
UserStatus = @{
Enabled = $true
Events = 4722, 4725, 4767, 4723, 4724, 4726
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{
'Domain Controller' = ''
'Action' = ''
'User Affected' = 'Win-*', '*AD1$*'
'Who' = ''
'When' = ''
'Event ID' = ''
'Record ID' = ''
UserLockouts = @{
Enabled = $true
Events = 4740
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = ''
ComputerCreatedChanged = @{
Enabled = $true
Events = 4741, 4742 # created, changed
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = ''
ComputerDeleted = @{
Enabled = $true
Events = 4743 # deleted
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = ''
UserLogon = @{
Enabled = $false
Events = 4624
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = ''
UserLogonKerberos = @{
Enabled = $false
Events = 4768
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = ''
GroupMembershipChanges = @{
Enabled = $true
Events = 4728, 4729, 4732, 4733, 4756, 4757, 4761, 4762
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{
'Who' = '*ANONYMOUS*'
GroupCreateDelete = @{
Enabled = $true
Events = 4727, 4730, 4731, 4734, 4759, 4760, 4754, 4758
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = @{
'Who' = '*ANONYMOUS*'
GroupPolicyChanges = @{
Enabled = $true
Events = 5136, 5137, 5141
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = ''
LogsClearedSecurity = @{
Enabled = $true
Events = 1102, 1105
LogName = 'Security'
IgnoreWords = ''
LogsClearedOther = @{
Enabled = $true
Events = 104
LogName = 'System'
IgnoreWords = ''
EventsReboots = @{
Enabled = $false
Events = 1001, 1018, 1, 12, 13, 42, 41, 109, 1, 6005, 6006, 6008, 6013
LogName = 'System'
IgnoreWords = ''
Custom = @{
EventLogSize = @{
Enabled = $true
Logs = 'Security', 'Application', 'System'
SortBy = ''
ServersData = @{
Enabled = $true
Start-ADReporting -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportTimes $ReportTimes -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
I've highlighted few, important changes above. But if you've been using very old version it's best to start over and use new config file instead.