
Mastering Active Directory Hygiene: Automating Stale Computer Cleanup with CleanupMonster

Have you ever looked at your Active Directory and wondered, "Why do I still have computers listed that haven't been…

7 months ago

Report Active Directory Accounts that are Synchronized with Azure AD

I was scrolling X (aka Twitter) today and saw this blog post, "PowerShell: Report On-Premises Active Directory Accounts that are…

2 years ago

Strengthening Password Security in Active Directory: A PowerShell-Powered Approach

PasswordSolution uses the DSInternals PowerShell module to gather Active Directory hashes and then combines that data into a prettified report.…

2 years ago

Reporting group membership for critical Active Directory groups

I work a lot with Active Directory-related tasks. One of the tasks is to know the group membership of critical…

3 years ago

Finding duplicate DNS entries using PowerShell

Today's blog post is about Active Directory-integrated DNS and how to find duplicate entries. By duplicate, I mean those where…

3 years ago

Finding duplicate SPN with PowerShell

Duplicate SPNs aren't very common but can happen in any Active Directory as there's no built-in way that tracks and…

3 years ago

Monitoring LDAPS connectivity/certificate with PowerShell

Some time ago, I wrote a blog post on checking for LDAP, LDAPS, LDAP GC, and LDAPS GC ports with…

4 years ago

Using Win32_UserAccount WMI filter in PowerShell/Group Policies and what to avoid

Some months ago, I created PowerShell Script to create local administrative users on workstations - Create a local user or…

5 years ago

What do we say to health checking Active Directory?

Setting up a new Active Directory is an easy task. You download and install Windows Server, install required roles and…

6 years ago

Instant Replication between Active Directory sites with PowerShell

In Active Directory when you change something, it's replicated to other Domain Controllers regularly. It's a standard procedure that happens…

6 years ago