PSWinDocumentation – PowerShell Module

This PowerShell Module allows you to create fairly complete documentation of Active Directory with export straight to  Microsoft Word (.docx), Microsoft Excel (.docx) or Microsoft SQL. It has also ability to prepare documentation for AWS (Amazon Web Services), and has starting data for Microsoft Exchange and  Office 365 services(Azure, Exchange Online).  Normally to prepare, create and deliver proper documentation you would need to spend hours, days preparing all the information and then there's the formatting part, making it pretty and suitable for management. This module takes it all away. It utilizes PSWriteWord and PSWriteExcel and is, to some degree a proof what you can do with PSWriteWord / PSWriteExcel. It's heavy work in progress so hopefully with time all 3 modules will grow to support full scope of Microsoft Office 365,  Microsoft Exchange, Hyper-V and allow you to prepare documentation for different processes across infrastructural projects.  

Note worthy features
Configurable visual layout of Word Document, Excel Document and SQL data
Export limited data to Microsoft Word (only data that makes sense is exportable)
Export extended data to Microsoft Excel
Export extended data to Microsoft SQL
Works on Windows Severs (no requirement for Word/Excel/SQL)
No license needed. Free to use.
Open source
Useful links
Code is published on GitHub
Issues should be reported on GitHub
Code is published as a module on PowerShellGallery
Related articles

Below you can find links to newest versions descriptions that add new features, explain usage and motives. It's required to read all those articles. If you skip it without reading, you will have lots of questions or trials and errors. When a new version is released most of the materials get updates to reflect new functionality and changes. So even if you've already read those and there's a new version out, you may want to take a look at all others to be on safe side.

New version (0.3.x), adds password quality, computer objects for Active Directory
New version (0.2.x), adds AWS, Exchange, Exchange Online, Azure AD and expands on Active Directory. Also adds export to SQL
New version (0.1), Be sure to read it! It's a game changer – you need to know how to run this module … 🙂

As you can see below on the screenshots it just writes some basic texts, tables and few charts. And that's it… for the Microsoft Word part that is… Keep in mind that everything except the logo (which is built-in as a template – that you can easily remove – or use your own template) is made by PSWriteWord. There's no stuff that's being faked here.

What this module can do?

Keep in mind those are just example screenshots. There is more data….

So it exports to Word... what else? Microsoft Excel!

There is more… new version can also export all that data (and more) to Microsoft Excel.

Commands above are kind of legacy now and you should refer linked articles above or GitHub Examples to find newest, most up to date configuration.

How do I use it for Active Directory Documentation

Just save this code as PS1 file, verify that file paths and settings are as you require them and run it. Depending on size of your AD this may take time.

Import-Module PSWinDocumentation
Import-Module PSWinDocumentation.AD
# Import-Module DbaTools # (if you require SQL export)
# Those should automatically load
#Import-Module PSWriteWord
#Import-Module PSWriteExcel
#Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Document = [ordered]@{
    Configuration = [ordered] @{
        Prettify       = @{
            CompanyName        = 'Evotec'
            UseBuiltinTemplate = $true
            CustomTemplatePath = ''
            Language           = 'en-US'
        Options        = @{
            OpenDocument = $true
            OpenExcel    = $true
        DisplayConsole = @{
            ShowTime   = $false
            LogFile    = "$ENV:TEMP\PSWinDocumentationADTesting.log"
            TimeFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
        Debug          = @{
            Verbose = $false
    DocumentAD    = [ordered] @{
        Enable        = $true
        ExportWord    = $true
        ExportExcel   = $false
        ExportSql     = $false
        FilePathWord  = "$Env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\PSWinDocumentation-ADReportWithPasswords.docx"
        FilePathExcel = "$Env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\PSWinDocumentation-ADReportWithPasswords.xlsx"
        Configuration = [ordered] @{
            PasswordTests = @{
                Use                       = $true
                # Using '' will still process some usefull output
                PasswordFilePathClearText = '' #"$PSScriptRoot\Passwords\Passwords.txt"
                # Fair warning it will take ages if you use HaveIBeenPwned DB :-)
                UseHashDB                 = $false
                PasswordFilePathHash      = 'C:\Users\pklys\Downloads\pwned-passwords-ntlm-ordered-by-count\pwned-passwords-ntlm-ordered-by-count.txt'
        Sections      = [ordered] @{
            SectionForest = [ordered] @{
                SectionTOC                    = [ordered] @{
                    Use                  = $true
                    TocGlobalDefinition  = $true
                    TocGlobalTitle       = 'Table of content'
                    TocGlobalRightTabPos = 15
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                    PageBreaksAfter      = 1
                SectionForestIntroduction     = [ordered] @{
                    ### Enables section
                    Use             = $true
                    ### Decides how TOC should be visible
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'Scope'
                    TocListLevel    = 0
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading1'
                    ### Text is added before table/list
                    Text            = "This document provides a low-level design of roles and permissions for" `
                        + " the IT infrastructure team at <CompanyName> organization. This document utilizes knowledge from" `
                        + " AD General Concept document that should be delivered with this document. Having all the information" `
                        + " described in attached document one can start designing Active Directory with those principles in mind." `
                        + " It's important to know while best practices that were described are important in decision making they" `
                        + " should not be treated as final and only solution. Most important aspect is to make sure company has full" `
                        + " usability of Active Directory and is happy with how it works. Making things harder just for the sake of" `
                        + " implementation of best practices isn't always the best way to go."
                    TextAlignment   = 'Both'
                    PageBreaksAfter = 1
                SectionForestSummary          = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Forest Summary'
                    TocListLevel    = 0
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading1'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestInformation
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableTitleMerge = $true
                    TableTitleText  = "Forest Summary"
                    Text            = "Active Directory at <CompanyName> has a forest name <ForestName>." `
                        + " Following table contains forest summary with important information:"
                    ExcelExport     = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = 'Forest Summary'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestInformation
                SectionForestFSMO             = [ordered] @{
                    Use                   = $true
                    TableData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestFSMO
                    TableDesign           = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableTitleMerge       = $true
                    TableTitleText        = 'FSMO Roles'
                    Text                  = 'Following table contains FSMO servers'
                    EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1
                    ExcelExport           = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet        = 'Forest FSMO'
                    ExcelData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestFSMO
                SectionForestOptionalFeatures = [ordered] @{
                    Use                   = $true
                    TableData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestOptionalFeatures
                    TableDesign           = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableTitleMerge       = $true
                    TableTitleText        = 'Optional Features'
                    Text                  = 'Following table contains optional forest features'
                    TextNoData            = "Following section should have table containing forest features. However no data was provided."
                    EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1
                    ExcelExport           = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet        = 'Forest Optional Features'
                    ExcelData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestOptionalFeatures
                SectionForestUPNSuffixes      = [ordered] @{
                    Use                   = $true
                    Text                  = "Following UPN suffixes were created in this forest:"
                    TextNoData            = "No UPN suffixes were created in this forest."
                    #ListType              = 'Bulleted'
                    #ListData              = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestUPNSuffixes
                    TableData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestUPNSuffixes
                    TableDesign           = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableTitleMerge       = $true
                    TableTitleText        = 'UPN Suffixes'
                    EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1
                    ExcelExport           = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet        = 'Forest UPN Suffixes'
                    ExcelData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestUPNSuffixes
                SectionForesSPNSuffixes       = [ordered] @{
                    Use                   = $true
                    Text                  = "Following SPN suffixes were created in this forest:"
                    TextNoData            = "No SPN suffixes were created in this forest."
                    #ListType              = 'Bulleted'
                    #ListData              = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSPNSuffixes
                    TableData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSPNSuffixes
                    TableDesign           = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableTitleMerge       = $true
                    TableTitleText        = 'SPN Suffixes'
                    EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1
                    ExcelExport           = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet        = 'Forest SPN Suffixes'
                    ExcelData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSPNSuffixes
                SectionForestSites1           = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Sites'
                    TocListLevel    = 1
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading1'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSites1
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text            = "Forest Sites list can be found below"
                    ExcelExport     = $false  ## Exported as one below
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = 'Forest Sites 1'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSites1
                SectionForestSites2           = [ordered] @{
                    Use                   = $true
                    TableData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSites2
                    TableDesign           = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text                  = "Forest Sites list can be found below"
                    EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1
                    ExcelExport           = $false ## Exported as one below
                    ExcelWorkSheet        = 'Forest Sites 2'
                    ExcelData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSites2
                SectionForestSites            = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = 'Forest Sites'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSites
                SectionForestSubnets1         = [ordered] @{
                    Use                   = $true
                    TocEnable             = $True
                    TocText               = 'General Information - Subnets'
                    TocListLevel          = 1
                    TocListItemType       = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType        = 'Heading1'
                    TableData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSubnets1
                    TableDesign           = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text                  = "Table below contains information regarding relation between Subnets and sites"
                    EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1
                    ExcelExport           = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet        = 'Forest Subnets 1'
                    ExcelData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSubnets1
                SectionForestSubnets2         = [ordered] @{
                    Use                   = $true
                    TableData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSubnets2
                    TableDesign           = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text                  = "Table below contains information regarding relation between Subnets and sites"
                    EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1
                    ExcelExport           = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet        = 'Forest Subnets 2'
                    ExcelData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSubnets2
                SectionForestSiteLinks        = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Site Links'
                    TocListLevel    = 1
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading1'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSiteLinks
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text            = "Forest Site Links information is available in table below"
                    ExcelExport     = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = 'Forest Site Links'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSiteLinks
            SectionDomain = [ordered] @{
                SectionPageBreak                                  = [ordered] @{
                    Use              = $True
                    PageBreaksBefore = 1
                SectionDomainStarter                              = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Domain <Domain>'
                    TocListLevel    = 0
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading1'
                SectionDomainIntroduction                         = [ordered] @{
                    Use                   = $true
                    TocEnable             = $True
                    TocText               = 'General Information - Domain Summary'
                    TocListLevel          = 1
                    TocListItemType       = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType        = 'Heading1'
                    Text                  = "Following domain exists within forest <ForestName>:"
                    ListBuilderContent    = "Domain <DomainDN>", 'Name for fully qualified domain name (FQDN): <Domain>', 'Name for NetBIOS: <DomainNetBios>'
                    ListBuilderLevel      = 0, 1, 1
                    ListBuilderType       = 'Bulleted', 'Bulleted', 'Bulleted'
                    EmptyParagraphsBefore = 0
                SectionDomainControllers                          = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'General Information - Domain Controllers'
                    TocListLevel        = 1
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainControllers
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 8
                    Text                = 'Following table contains domain controllers'
                    TextNoData          = ''
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - DCs'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainControllers
                SectionDomainFSMO                                 = [ordered] @{
                    Use                   = $true
                    TableData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainFSMO
                    TableDesign           = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableTitleMerge       = $true
                    TableTitleText        = "FSMO Roles for <Domain>"
                    Text                  = "Following table contains FSMO servers with roles for domain <Domain>"
                    EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1
                    ExcelExport           = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet        = '<Domain> - FSMO'
                    ExcelData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainFSMO
                SectionDomainDefaultPasswordPolicy                = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Password Policies'
                    TocListLevel    = 1
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading2'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainDefaultPasswordPolicy
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableTitleMerge = $True
                    TableTitleText  = "Default Password Policy for <Domain>"
                    Text            = 'Following table contains password policies for all users within <Domain>'
                    ExcelExport     = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = '<Domain> - DefaultPasswordPolicy'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainDefaultPasswordPolicy
                SectionDomainFineGrainedPolicies                  = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'General Information - Fine Grained Password Policies'
                    TocListLevel        = 1
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainFineGrainedPolicies
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 8
                    TableTitleMerge     = $false
                    TableTitleText      = "Fine Grained Password Policy for <Domain>"
                    Text                = 'Following table contains fine grained password policies'
                    TextNoData          = "Following section should cover fine grained password policies. " `
                        + "There were no fine grained password polices defined in <Domain>. There was no formal requirement to have " `
                        + "them set up."
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - Password Policy (Grained)'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainFineGrainedPolicies
                SectionDomainGroupPolicies                        = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Group Policies'
                    TocListLevel    = 1
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading2'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupPolicies
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text            = "Following table contains group policies for <Domain>"
                    ExcelExport     = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = '<Domain> - GroupPolicies'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupPolicies
                SectionDomainGroupPoliciesDetails                 = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'General Information - Group Policies Details'
                    TocListLevel        = 1
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupPoliciesDetails
                    TableMaximumColumns = 6
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text                = "Following table contains group policies for <Domain>"
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - GroupPolicies Details'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupPoliciesDetails
                SectionDomainGroupPoliciesACL                     = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    #TocEnable           = $True
                    #TocText             = 'General Information - Group Policies ACL'
                    #TocListLevel        = 1
                    #TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    #TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    #TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupPoliciesACL
                    #TableMaximumColumns = 6
                    #TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    #Text                = "Following table contains group policies ACL for <Domain>"
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - GroupPoliciesACL'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupPoliciesACL
                SectionDomainDNSSrv                               = [ordered] @{
                    Use                  = $true
                    TocEnable            = $True
                    TocText              = 'General Information - DNS A/SRV Records'
                    TocListLevel         = 1
                    TocListItemType      = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType       = 'Heading2'
                    TableData            = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainDNSSRV
                    TableMaximumColumns  = 10
                    TableDesign          = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text                 = "Following table contains SRV records for Kerberos and LDAP"
                    EmptyParagraphsAfter = 1
                    ExcelExport          = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet       = '<Domain> - DNSSRV'
                    ExcelData            = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainDNSSRV
                SectionDomainDNSA                                 = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainDNSA
                    TableMaximumColumns = 10
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text                = "Following table contains A records for Kerberos and LDAP"
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - DNSA'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainDNSA
                SectionDomainTrusts                               = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'General Information - Trusts'
                    TocListLevel        = 1
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainTrusts
                    TableMaximumColumns = 6
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text                = "Following table contains trusts established with domains..."
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - DomainTrusts'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainTrusts
                SectionDomainOrganizationalUnits                  = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'General Information - Organizational Units'
                    TocListLevel        = 1
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainOrganizationalUnits
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    Text                = "Following table contains all OU's created in <Domain>"
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - OrganizationalUnits'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainOrganizationalUnits
                SectionDomainPriviligedGroup                      = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $False
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Priviliged Groups'
                    TocListLevel    = 1
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading2'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsPriviliged
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text            = 'Following table contains list of priviliged groups and count of the members in it.'
                    ChartEnable     = $True
                    ChartTitle      = 'Priviliged Group Members'
                    ChartData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsPriviliged
                    ChartKeys       = 'Group Name', 'Members Count'
                    ChartValues     = 'Members Count'
                    ExcelExport     = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = '<Domain> - PriviligedGroupMembers'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsPriviliged
                SectionDomainUsers                                = [ordered] @{
                    Use              = $true
                    TocEnable        = $True
                    TocText          = 'General Information - Domain Users in <Domain>'
                    TocListLevel     = 1
                    TocListItemType  = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType   = 'Heading1'
                    PageBreaksBefore = 1
                    Text             = 'Following section covers users information for domain <Domain>. '
                SectionDomainUsersCount                           = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Users Count'
                    TocListLevel    = 2
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading2'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersCount
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableTitleMerge = $true
                    TableTitleText  = 'Users Count'
                    Text            = "Following table and chart shows number of users in its categories"
                    ChartEnable     = $True
                    ChartTitle      = 'Users Count'
                    ChartData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersCount
                    ChartKeys       = 'Keys'
                    ChartValues     = 'Values'
                    ExcelExport     = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = '<Domain> - UsersCount'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersCount
                SectionDomainAdministrators                       = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Domain Administrators'
                    TocListLevel    = 2
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading2'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainAdministratorsRecursive
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text            = 'Following users have highest priviliges and are able to control a lot of Windows resources.'
                    ExcelExport     = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = '<Domain> - DomainAdministrators'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainAdministratorsRecursive
                SectionEnterpriseAdministrators                   = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Enterprise Administrators'
                    TocListLevel    = 2
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading2'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainEnterpriseAdministratorsRecursive
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text            = 'Following users have highest priviliges across Forest and are able to control a lot of Windows resources.'
                    TextNoData      = 'No Enterprise Administrators users were defined for this domain.'
                    ExcelExport     = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = '<Domain> - EnterpriseAdministrators'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainEnterpriseAdministratorsRecursive
                SectionDomainComputers                            = [ordered] @{
                    Use              = $true
                    TocEnable        = $True
                    TocText          = 'General Information - Computer Objects in <Domain>'
                    TocListLevel     = 1
                    TocListItemType  = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType   = 'Heading1'
                    PageBreaksBefore = 1
                    Text             = 'Following section covers computers information for domain <Domain>. '
                DomainComputers                                   = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Computers'
                    TocListLevel    = 2
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading2'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputers
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text            = 'Following client computers are created in <Domain>.'
                    ExcelExport     = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = '<Domain> - DomainComputers'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputers
                DomainComputersCount                              = [ordered] @{
                    Use                   = $true
                    TableData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersCount
                    TableDesign           = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableTitleMerge       = $true
                    TableTitleText        = 'Computers Count'
                    Text                  = "Following table and chart shows number of computers and their versions"
                    ChartEnable           = $True
                    ChartTitle            = 'Computers Count'
                    ChartData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersCount
                    ChartKeys             = 'System Name', 'System Count'
                    ChartValues           = 'System Count'
                    ExcelExport           = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet        = '<Domain> - DomainComputersCount'
                    ExcelData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersCount
                    EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1
                DomainServers                                     = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Servers'
                    TocListLevel    = 2
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading2'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainServers
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text            = 'Following client computers are created in <Domain>.'
                    ExcelExport     = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = '<Domain> - DomainComputers'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainServers
                DomainServersCount                                = [ordered] @{
                    Use                   = $true
                    TableData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainServersCount
                    TableDesign           = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableTitleMerge       = $true
                    TableTitleText        = 'Servers Count'
                    Text                  = "Following table and chart shows number of servers and their versions"
                    ChartEnable           = $True
                    ChartTitle            = 'Servers Count'
                    ChartData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainServersCount
                    ChartKeys             = 'System Name', 'System Count'
                    ChartValues           = 'System Count'
                    ExcelExport           = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet        = '<Domain> - DomainServersCount'
                    ExcelData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainServersCount
                    EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1
                DomainComputersUnknown                            = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'General Information - Unknown Computer Objects'
                    TocListLevel    = 2
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading2'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersUnknown
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text            = 'Following client computers are not asisgned to clients or computers in <Domain>.'
                    ExcelExport     = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = '<Domain> - ComputersUnknown'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersUnknown
                DomainComputersUnknownCount                       = [ordered] @{
                    Use                   = $true
                    TableData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersUnknownCount
                    TableDesign           = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableTitleMerge       = $true
                    TableTitleText        = 'Unknown Computers Count'
                    Text                  = "Following table and chart shows number of unknown object computers in domain."
                    ExcelExport           = $false
                    ExcelWorkSheet        = '<Domain> - ComputersUnknownCount'
                    ExcelData             = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersUnknownCount
                    EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1
                SectionPasswordQuality                            = [ordered] @{
                    ### Enables section
                    Use              = $true
                    ### Decides how TOC should be visible
                    TocEnable        = $True
                    TocText          = 'Domain Password Quality'
                    TocListLevel     = 1
                    TocListItemType  = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType   = 'Heading1'
                    ### Text is added before table/list
                    Text             = "This section provides overview about password quality used in <Domain>. One should review if all those potentially" `
                        + " dangerous approaches to password quality should be left as is or addressed in one way or another."
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                    PageBreaksAfter  = 0
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                DomainPasswordClearTextPassword                   = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - Passwords with Reversible Encryption'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordClearTextPassword
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    Text                = 'Passwords of these accounts are stored using reversible encryption.'
                    TextNoData          = 'There are no accounts that have passwords stored using reversible encryption.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - PasswordClearText'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordClearTextPassword
                DomainPasswordLMHash                              = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - Passwords with LM Hash'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordLMHash
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    Text                = 'LM-hashes is the oldest password storage used by Windows, dating back to OS/2 system.' `
                        + ' Due to the limited charset allowed, they are fairly easy to crack. Following accounts are affected:'
                    TextNoData          = 'LM-hashes is the oldest password storage used by Windows, dating back to OS/2 system.' `
                        + ' There were no accounts found that use LM Hashes.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - PasswordLMHash'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordLMHash
                DomainPasswordEmptyPassword                       = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - Empty Passwords'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordEmptyPassword
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text                = 'Following accounts have no password set:'
                    TextNoData          = 'There are no accounts in <Domain> that have no password set.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - PasswordEmpty'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordEmptyPassword
                DomainPasswordWeakPassword                        = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - Known passwords'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordWeakPassword
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    Text                = "Passwords of these accounts have been found in given dictionary. It's highely recommended to " `
                        + "notify those users and ask them to change their passwords asap!"
                    TextNoData          = 'There were no passwords found that match given dictionary.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - PasswordKnown'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordWeakPassword
                DomainPasswordDefaultComputerPassword             = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - Default Computer Password'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordDefaultComputerPassword
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    Text                = 'These computer objects have their password set to default:'
                    TextNoData          = 'There were no accounts found that match default computer password criteria.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - PasswordDefaultComputer'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordDefaultComputerPassword
                DomainPasswordPasswordNotRequired                 = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - Password Not Required'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordPasswordNotRequired
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    Text                = 'These accounts are not required to have a password. For some accounts it may be perfectly acceptable ' `
                        + ' but for some it may not. Those accounts should be reviewed and accepted or changed to proper security.'
                    TextNoData          = 'There were no accounts found that does not require password.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - PasswordNotRequired'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordPasswordNotRequired
                DomainPasswordPasswordNeverExpires                = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - Non expiring passwords'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordPasswordNeverExpires
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    Text                = 'Following account have do not expire password policy set on them. Those accounts should be reviewed whether ' `
                        + 'allowing them to never expire is good idea and accepted risk.'
                    TextNoData          = 'There are no accounts in <Domain> that never expire.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - PasswordNeverExpire'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordPasswordNeverExpires
                DomainPasswordAESKeysMissing                      = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - AES Keys Missing'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordAESKeysMissing
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    Text                = 'Following accounts have their Kerberos AES keys missing'
                    TextNoData          = 'There are no accounts that hvae their Kerberos AES keys missing.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - PasswordAESMissing'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordAESKeysMissing
                DomainPasswordPreAuthNotRequired                  = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - Kerberos Pre-Auth Not Required'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordPreAuthNotRequired
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    Text                = 'Kerberos pre-authentication is not required for these accounts'
                    TextNoData          = 'There were no accounts found that do not require pre-authentication.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - PasswordPreAuthNot'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordPreAuthNotRequired
                DomainPasswordDESEncryptionOnly                   = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - Only DES Encryption Allowed'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordDESEncryptionOnly
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    Text                = 'Only DES encryption is allowed to be used with these accounts'
                    TextNoData          = 'There are no account that require only DES encryption.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - PasswordDESEncr'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordDESEncryptionOnly
                DomainPasswordDelegatableAdmins                   = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - Delegatable to Service'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordDelegatableAdmins
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    Text                = 'These accounts are allowed to be delegated to a service:'
                    TextNoData          = 'No accounts were found that are allowed to be delegated to a service.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - PasswordDelegatable'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordDelegatableAdmins
                DomainPasswordDuplicatePasswordGroups             = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $true
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - Groups of Users With Same Password'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordDuplicatePasswordGroups
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    Text                = 'Following groups of users have same passwords:'
                    TextNoData          = 'There are no 2 passwords that are the same in <Domain>.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - PasswordGroups'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordDuplicatePasswordGroups
                DomainPasswordHashesWeakPassword                  = [ordered] @{
                    Use                 = $false
                    TocEnable           = $True
                    TocText             = 'Password Quality - Leaked Passwords'
                    TocListLevel        = 2
                    TocListItemType     = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType      = 'Heading2'
                    TableData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordHashesWeakPassword
                    TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableMaximumColumns = 4
                    Text                = "Passwords of these accounts have been found in given HASH dictionary ( It's highely recommended to " `
                        + "notify those users and ask them to change their passwords asap!"
                    TextNoData          = 'There were no passwords found that match in given dictionary.'
                    ExcelExport         = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet      = '<Domain> - LeakedPasswords'
                    ExcelData           = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordHashesWeakPassword
                DomainPasswordStats                               = [ordered] @{
                    Use             = $true
                    TocEnable       = $True
                    TocText         = 'Password Quality - Statistics'
                    TocListLevel    = 2
                    TocListItemType = 'Numbered'
                    TocHeadingType  = 'Heading2'
                    TableData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordStats
                    TableDesign     = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                    TableTitleMerge = $true
                    TableTitleText  = 'Password Quality Statistics'
                    Text            = "Following table and chart shows password statistics"
                    ChartEnable     = $True
                    ChartTitle      = 'Password Statistics'
                    ChartData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordStats
                    ChartKeys       = 'Keys'
                    ChartValues     = 'Values'
                    ExcelExport     = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet  = '<Domain> - PasswordStats'
                    ExcelData       = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainPasswordStats
                SectionExcelDomainOrganizationalUnitsBasicACL     = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - OU ACL Basic'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainOrganizationalUnitsBasicACL
                SectionExcelDomainOrganizationalUnitsExtended     = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - OU ACL Extended'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainOrganizationalUnitsExtended
                SectionExcelDomainUsers                           = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Users'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsers
                SectionExcelDomainUsersAll                        = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Users All'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersAll
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                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Users System'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersSystemAccounts
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                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Never Expiring'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersNeverExpiring
                SectionExcelDomainUsersNeverExpiringInclDisabled  = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Never Expiring incl Disabled'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersNeverExpiringInclDisabled
                SectionExcelDomainUsersExpiredInclDisabled        = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Expired incl Disabled'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersExpiredInclDisabled
                SectionExcelDomainUsersExpiredExclDisabled        = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Expired excl Disabled'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersExpiredExclDisabled
                SectionExcelDomainUsersFullList                   = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Users List Full'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersFullList
                SectionExcelDomainComputersFullList               = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Computers List'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersFullList
                SectionExcelDomainGroupsFullList                  = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Groups List'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsFullList
                SectionExcelDomainGroupsRest                      = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Groups'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroups
                SectionExcelDomainGroupsSpecial                   = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Groups Special'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsSpecial
                SectionExcelDomainGroupsPriviliged                = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Groups Priv'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsPriviliged
                SectionExcelDomainGroupMembers                    = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Members'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsMembers
                SectionExcelDomainGroupMembersSpecial             = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Members Special'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsSpecialMembers
                SectionExcelDomainGroupMembersPriviliged          = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Members Priv'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsPriviligedMembers
                SectionExcelDomainGroupMembersRecursive           = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Members Rec'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsMembersRecursive
                SectionExcelDomainGroupMembersSpecialRecursive    = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Members RecSpecial'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsSpecialMembersRecursive
                SectionExcelDomainGroupMembersPriviligedRecursive = [ordered] @{
                    Use            = $true
                    ExcelExport    = $true
                    ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Members RecPriv'
                    ExcelData      = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsPriviligedMembersRecursive
Start-Documentation -Document $Document -Verbose
How do I use it for Office 365

Just save this code as PS1 file, verify that file paths and settings are as you require them and run it. Depending on the size of your Office 365 this may take time.

Import-Module PSWinDocumentation -Verbose -Force
Import-Module PSWinDocumentation.O365

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                TableMaximumColumns = 7
                TableDesign         = 'ColorfulGridAccent5'
                Text                = 'Following table contains all domains defined in Office 365 portal.'
                ExcelExport         = $true
                ExcelWorkSheet      = 'O365 Domains'
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Start-Documentation -Document $Document -Verbose
How do I use it for AWS

Just save this code as PS1 file, verify that file paths and settings are as you require them and run it. Depending on the size of your AWS this may take time.

Import-Module PSWinDocumentation
Import-Module PSWinDocumentation.AD
Import-Module AWSPowerShell
# Import-Module DbaTools # (if you require SQL export)

# Those should automatically load
#Import-Module PSWriteWord
#Import-Module PSWriteExcel

$Document = [ordered]@{
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                Text            = "Basic information about EC2 servers such as ID, name, environment, instance type and IP."
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                Text            = "Basic information about RDS databases such as name, class, mutliAZ, engine version."
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                Text            = "Basic information about ELB and ALB such as name, DNS name, targets, scheme."
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                Text            = "Basic information about reserved elastic IPs such as name, IP, network interface."
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Start-Documentation -Document $Document -Verbose
Required prerequisites

Before you are able to use this script you need to do few manual steps. Since this script is published as module… it's quite easy to set this up. Just execute command below (accept warnings) .. and start creating documentation for your own Active Directory Forest. Keep in mind that I release new versions once in a while but I also release bug fixes without much notification. So recheck every now and then and simply use Update-Module commands to bring it up to date.

Install-Module PSWinDocumentation -Force # this will install all modules 
#Install-Module PSWriteWord
#Install-Module PSWriteExcel
#Install-Module PSSharedGoods # Shared data between 3 modules above)

# If you intend to use AWS or export to SQL you need those 2
Install-Module dbaTools # if you're using export to SQL
Install-Module AWSPowerShell # if you're working with AWS data

#Update-Module PSWinDocumentation -Force

#Update-Module DbaTools
#Update-module AWSPowerShell

You can of course install everything manually from GitHub (as everything is published there) but it will be far easier to just use Install-Module.

Quick fixes / helpful tips