

03 Jan: Creating Office 365 Migration Diagram with PowerShell

A few weeks ago, I posted a concept migration diagram for Office 365 to Twitter and Facebook. Today I thought I would show you how you can do it yourself using PowerShell and PSWriteHTML PowerShell module. When I started working on this, I’ve thought I want to create before and after infrastructure to see how it will look when migration ends. I’ve initially planned to assign myself an Office 365 Visio Plan 2 license and do something manually, thinking it may be just much easier. Unfortunately for me, there were no free Visio licenses in my tenant, and my laziness took over, so I’ve decided to give it a go using PowerShell only.

02 Sep: Visually display Active Directory Nested Group Membership using PowerShell

In the Active Directory PowerShell module, you have two commands to your disposal that help display group membership. Those are Get-ADGroup and Get-ADGroupMember. The first command contains property Members, which gives you DistinguishedName of all members, and Get-ADGroupMember can provide you either direct members or with Recursive switch all members recursively (skipping groups). Till a few weeks ago, I was a happy user of those commands until I noticed two things. Member property for Get-ADGroup sometimes misses elements for whatever reason.

29 Sep: Easy way to create diagrams using PowerShell and PSWriteHTML

A few months ago, when I was working on PSWriteWord and PSWriteHTML, I thought to myself that in 2020 if I’ll get time, I’ll try to create PSWriteVisio. While I wasn’t sure I would be able to make it past some concept, it was in my plans for 2020. It’s still 2019 though, and while working on Testimo for Active Directory Healthchecks, I thought it would be nice to have a visual representation of network, forest schema or replication. I couldn’t get this idea out of my head. I thought on using PSGraph from Kevin Marquette to generate image and import that to PSWriteHTML but it was a bit tricky and PSGraph requires external software to work – and has some additional steps for Windows, Mac or Linux.